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Why does my kid not want to wash? Tips for Teaching Early Child Hygiene Practices

씻기 싫어하는 아기상어와 고민하는 엄마아빠상어

Why do kids hate washing so much?

They seem to understand why they need to wash,

but they resist again.

Maybe it’s because of lack of understanding,

but even after explaining several times, they often don't wash on their own.

How do you convince your kids to shower?

First, observe your child's facial expressions carefully.

Nothing is more important than understanding your child's feelings.

Then, let's find out the detailed tips with Pinkfong Plus!

물에 거부감을 느끼는 아기상어

1. A child who feels uncomfortable with water

Create positive experiences with water through various liquid play activities.

Help your child get used to water with activities like bubbles, washing dolls, and painting with watercolors.

Also, make environment comfortable for your child when bathing.

Adjust the temperature, lighting, and sound to minimize discomfort and create an enjoyable bath time environment.

2. A child who has sensitive senses

Bathing involves different temperatures, textures, and sounds, which could make a sensitive child more anxious.

For example, the rough texture of a toothbrush or the sharp stream of a shower can be uncomfortable experiences.

If your child reacts sensitively to certain sensations, gradually adjust their exposure to these sensations to help them feel more secure.

Using soft materials during bath can also help them adapt.

3. A child who is ignorant of the reason for cleaning

If your child doesn’t fully understand the importance of being clean, they may refuse to wash.

Instead of simple explanations like "You’ll get sick if you don't wash,"

give specific examples like "If you don’t wash your hands before eating, germs can get into your body and cause illnesses like colds."

비누칠이 싫은 아기상어

Pinkfong Plus Tip:

Here’s how to teach cleaning fun and effectively!

1. Complement is important

Forceful cleanling education is not ideal, not just because of the parent-child relationship but also maintaining cleanliness is a lifelong habit.

Complement your child whenever they show efforts, even if it’s not consistent.

Help them understand that washing is beneficial for them.

“It might be a bit annoying, but don’t you feel great after washing?”

2. Take a break if they resist

To encourage voluntary behavior, make sure your child finds the activity enjoyable.

Don’t they like water when playing?

Help them find enjoyment in the sensation of water through playful activities.

Games like flicking water with their fingers, making water trails with their hands, or playing with soap bubbles can help them find joy in washing gradually.


Tips for Teaching Early Child Hygiene Practices!

Small efforts can positively impact your child’s happiness.

Use bath time to get closer to your child and get healthy habits.

Discover the structure and functions of the body while nurturing scientific knowledge with the #Nature_Science app <Pinkfong My Body>!

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